I am still here!

Monday, August 1, 2011

No posts in a while. I seem to have a problem keeping up with blogs, if you haven't already noticed!

I don't really have anything for you...so, here are some recent photos I took of Dingo. You're thrilled, I can tell. You've likely already seen them, too.
I haven't taken too many photos lately...mainly because its just been so hot outside! And there is the lack of things to photograph, as well.

I always have Dingo, though.

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Quick share...

Friday, May 20, 2011

My husband and I recently spent a weekend in Savannah...such a beautiful place. Here's one photo taken in Bonaventure Cemetery. I got a few decent photos there, but I was particularly happy with this one.

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Spring has sprung.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Took a walk around base to try to photograph the cherry blossoms, but as it turned out, they were looking rather sad! Like they've passed by already. And to think, the Cherry Blossom Festival hasn't even started yet. There were a few trees that haven't even bloomed yet though, so I should get a second chance.

The above picture is not of cherry blossoms. I'm not sure what it is...some other blossoming tree/shrub.
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More Dominique

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Last weekend I took some more photos of my friend Dominique. This time we started at Rose Hill Cemetery and then moved on to the riverwalk.

Overall, I ended up being disappointed with the results of this shoot. I took a ton of pictures but most of them came out pretty dark and grainy. I tend to get so caught up in composing the shots and snapping away that I often forget to check the exposure...and that's not good! Next time I really need to focus on my settings and finding the correct exposure.

I've also come to the conclusion that I need to invest in an external flash. While the reflector has made a huge difference, it's not always enough.

But Dominique was awesome again. Short hair or long, she always looks good and she makes a great model! She's very patient, even when Jordan is accidentally half-blinding her with the reflector! ;)

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Full Moon (update)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

UPDATE (02/18): Tonight's full moon was orange and looked amazing, so I had to take another photo. Thought I'd just add it to yesterday's post.


The moon looked awesome tonight so I had to duck outside and try to get some photos. I've never had any luck taking moon photos in the past...but after a lot of trial and error, I managed to get this one tonight. My measly 200mm lens doesn't do it justice...had to crop it a bit.

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Cold Morning

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I got up really early a couple of days ago to try to get some early light photo practice in, but it was so cold that I quickly changed my mind and went back home. It's a shame, because the ground was covered in frost and there was a mist hovering over the lake that would have made for some cool shots, but I was too cold to think about the correct settings and such, so the few pictures that I did take didn't turn out very well.
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Monday, January 31, 2011

My friend Dominique volunteered to play model for me so I could get some portrait practice in, so we went out to Ocmulgee for a shoot. She did such a great job! I'm not so good at posing, but she really took the initiative and did her thing! Anytime you feel like modeling again, just let me know girl!

Kudos to my husband Jordan as well, for being my assistant! You were a huge help. :)

Here are a few of my favorites.

If you're interested in seeing more, I'll probably be adding them to my flickr site over the next several days.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

A rainy day meant nothing to do but play with my ukulele.

And take pictures of it, naturally.
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More Jordan

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I tried to do another shoot with Jordan today, but it was just so cold out that we ended up having to cut it short. I got a couple of decent shots, though. These were taken on the deck of the cabin at Luna Lake.

I really need another subject to shoot besides my husband and chihuahua! :) Volunteers? Anyone? Anyone?
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Mocking Bird

This mocking bird is aptly named, as it spends a lot of time lately perched on the privacy fence on my patio taunting my cats, who all sit in the window watching closely.

I kept saying it was mocking me too, because it was always there when I didn't have my camera ready, and would stay there for a long time...but of course if I got up to get my camera it would take off by the time I returned.

But I finally caught it!
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Friday, January 21, 2011

I took a few more pics of the Dingo using my tabletop studio. I bought this set up for taking pictures of my jewelry for Etsy, its a light tent and two cheapy lights, but I ended up ordering one with a tent that was way too big...so I've been instead using it more as a mini studio for taking pics of my critters. Someday I'll have real studio stuff! ;) But for now, it's good practice.

If you've seen any of my previous Dingo photos with an obvious backdrop (ie, the black background or the 2010 christmas shots), they were taken using this set up.

I got a bunch of decent shots this time...but they're all pretty similar so I'm just going to post two so they don't run together. Yeah, you'll get a lot of Dingo photos from me, like it or not. He is such a good model! And works cheap...for treats!

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Jordan at Ocmulgee

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I got my first reflector a few days ago, so I was eager to try it out. I ended up dragging my husband Jordan out to Ocmulgee National Monument on Sunday to take some pictures. Sure...I could have just done it in the backyard...but what fun would that have been? Anyway, I thought I should post my first try with it. Below is a comparison shot....first one without use of the reflector, and then one with.

You can see the shadows are a lot less harsh. Neat-o! So I can't wait to experiment with it more. Didn't do too much this trip, because it's rather tricky to use a reflector without an assistant to hold it for you. I must have looked pretty amusing running back and forth from the tripod-mounted camera over to hold the reflector.

Here are a couple more photos of Jordan taken that day at Ocmulgee.

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Oh no, another one? Really?

Yeah, I know...I just made a new blog not too long ago and quickly gave up on it...and here I am with another one already? Well, I was thinking of trying out a photo blog. I'm not sure that I'll keep it, as it seems kind of silly to have a photo blog when I post the majority of my photos on my flickr site anyway (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tetedefromage/). But for the people that don't regularly check out my flickr site (ie: everyone), lets see how this works out. It will probably fizzle out like the others, but we'll give it a try.

And since it would be blashphemy not to post a photo in a photo blog....have a cat!

And yes, I do realize that the title has nothing to do with anything. That's just until I think of a real one.

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